Partner search in Russia
World Trade Center Krasnodar provides foreign companies wishing to pursue trading opportunities in Russia with high-quality informational and matchmaking services/
Partner search
direct search for and contact with potential partners corresponding with clients specifications.
This includes the translation of marketing materials, phone-calls and meetings with potential clients, high control of the process and many more depending on the terms. All the terms of the search(should it be creating a simple list of 5-10 companies willing to discuss the opportunities or even up to finding those ready to import at once) and the data provided in the result are negotable including the opportunities for further comprehensive support on the bargain stage.
Translation of client's marketing materials and distributing them to the potential clients through our wide network of cooperating govenmental institutes and directly to end-companies. The list of mailed companies, minor information on them and their contact data is provided after the job is done.
Informational support
Providing market intel and other information dependant on the on the requested topics (overall economic overviews, market researches, logistics and customs briefs and many more)
Full cycle support of the bargain
including all kinds of activities that would lead to a bragain(translations, partner search, commercial offer distribution and negotiations up to signing the contract)withrequisite support in various issues after signing the contract.